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Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI): US Forest Service: Clean Boats Clean Waters - Watercraft Inspections & Boatwash

Project Award: 


Project Timeline: 

August 2018 to December 2021

Continue operating portable high pressure heated boatwash units at public boat ramps and fishing tournaments in the Wild Rivers Invasive Species Coalition (WRISC) management area, which consists of 5 counties within the Lake Michigan Watershed in Michigan and Wisconsin.  Continue to support public education by WRISC staff as well as local agencies and citizen groups on the aquatic invasive species recreational boat pathway. 


​Preventing the spread of invasive species is a high priority for all levels of stakeholders in the WRISC management area (i.e. landowners, land managers, recreationists, etc.) where tourism and outdoor recreation are primary economic drivers.   The long term benefits of this project include, but not limited to, promote a long term behavioral shift through repeated actions (cleaning boats will become the norm), containment of invasives in previously infested waters, enhanced protection of non-infested waters, increased awareness of invasive species, and an increase in available boat-washing options and locations.

Project Goals

Project Award: 


Project Timeline: 

August 2018 to December 2021

The goal of this project is to reduce the spread of aquatic invasive species between lakes in the Great Lakes watershed by educating boaters about AIS and clean boating practices and physically cleaning boats at source populations for Zebra Mussels and high traffic water events such as fishing tournaments.  It will also increase the ability to reach Michigan boaters by supplying equipment necessary to meet Michigan wastewater discharge standards. 




  1. Increase public awareness about invasive species and to encourage good stewardship through preventative measures.

  2. Document 3000 boater contacts using the Clean Boats Clean Waters protocols and enter all Watercraft Inspection Report Form data into the Wisconsin's Surface Water Integrated Monitoring System (SWIMS) database or to the Michigan Clean Boats Clean Waters program manager where appropriate. 

  3. Document new AIS infestations and provide rapid response for early detection species.

  4. Develop more educational tools to reach the general public.

  5. Foster a landscape level awareness of AIS in the 5 county, 2 State WRISC Management Area.

  6. Promote regional information sharing and education by WRISC participation in at least two AIS conferences per year.

Project Updates

Project Award: 


Project Timeline: 

August 2018 to December 2021

Updates will be posted soon! 

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