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Image by Steven Kamenar

Forest Invasive Species Map
Roadside Invasive Species Map

Invasive Plant Assosciation of Wisconsin

This Wisconsin focused resource directs you to a list of species that are present and restricted in the state. 


Don't Move Fire Wood

This is organization that has a complete catalog of information on the effect of transporting firewood and the organisms to look for. 


Midwest Invasive Species Network contains and extensive list of invasive plant species that are found in the in the Midwest. Also, information on how to how to manage infestations.


Michigan DNR

This icon will bring you to list of species that pertain to forest health in Michigan state. 

MI DNR.png

Play Clean Go 

If you are concerned about the spread of invasive species Play Clean Go is a great organization for any outdoor activity. 

PLaay Clran gO.png

Eyes On The Forest (MSU)

This website offers great information on invasive forest pests and their range within Michigan State. This initiative is directed by Michigan Sate University. 

eyes on Michgan Fores t.jpg
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