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Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI): EPA: Menominee River Watershed: Invasive Species Detection and Control

Project Award: 


Project Timeline: 

August 2017 to December 2020

Wild Rivers Invasive Species Coalition and its partners will conduct survey and control work on established GLRI Plan II invasive species associated with ORV trails, road crossings, riparian areas, and lakes in the Menominee River Watershed System (HUC 04030108). Efforts aim to improve biodiversity, climate change resiliency, and water quality services of forested and aquatic ecosystems across this 4000 plus acre watershed adjoining the WI/Upper Peninsula MI border and contributing to Lake Michigan at Green Bay. Approximately 3000 acres will be surveyed and at least 120 acres controlled, utilizing new and existing tools for integrated detection and control options.


This project focuses on the 5208 square miles of the Wild Rivers Invasive Species Coalition “service area” encompassing the Menominee River Watershed System (MRWS). This largely forested system forming the border of northeast Wisconsin and south central Upper Peninsula, is composed of high quality tributaries, including the Michigamme, Brule, Pine, Popple, Paint, Iron, and Sturgeon Rivers—draining to Lake Michigan at Green Bay. Counties included in the target area include Menominee and Dickinson County, MI and Marinette, Florence and a portion of Forest County, WI, all lying within the Great Lakes Watershed of the United States.


Nearly 60% of the MRWS is comprised of publicly owned land, including the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, state, and county forests which are widely used for hunting, riding, fishing, boating, and hiking by recreationists from a 400 mile radius. At least 200 miles (40 miles identified as the most heavily used per county) of ATV/ORV trail will be surveyed for invasive species and potential control work. Thirty road/stream crossings and their associated riparian reach will be selected for survey and control work, with priority given to crossings reconstructed within the past 5 years or that serve as a river access site. Based on previous survey and management plan work, some 500 acres of littoral zone in inland lakes will be surveyed for best potential locations to receive Diver Assisted Suction Harvesting (DASH) control treatment for established Eurasian Watermilfoil beds.


With remaining funding, control work will be directed to previously identified acres of established invasives within the systems’ more ecologically important areas such as the Spread Eagle Pine Barrens, Shakey Lakes Barrens, Fumee Lake Natural Area, Piers Gorge Natural Area, Carney Fen, State Wild and Scenic Rivers, and portions of national, state or county forest.

Project Goals

Project Award: 


Project Timeline: 

August 2017 to December 2020

Goal 1: Inventory key recreation and transportation pathways for invasive species threats to the biodiversity and resilience of Menominee River Watershed habitats.


Goal 2: Implement integrated invasive species control activities in terrestrial and aquatic
habitats of the Menominee River Watershed System. Treatment will include established
species per GLRI Plan II and will occur on acres where no previous GLRI funds have been


Goal 3: Early Detection Rapid Response


Goal 4: Outreach to ATV/ORV Groups, Road Commissions, Schools, Public


​Goal 5. Reporting and Information Sharing

Project Updates

Project Award: 


Project Timeline: 

August 2017 to December 2020

Updates will be posted soon! 

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